- On GA DOE website or email select your “data” file you want to import.
- In the “Assessments Folder” create a folder within it titled the name of the testing results you are importing.
- Unzip file and drop that folder into the testing folder you just created.
- Open new .xls file if the “data” file is a non-layout file, otherwise open the testing “data” file.
- Pull up a testing file from previous testing period to see what fields you will need to keep for import. Make adjustments to new file and save as .csv file.
- Log into Infinite Campus
- Make sure are in the appropriate school
- Click on “assessments”
- Click on “Score Import Wizard”
- Select the appropriate test form the pre-formatted test list
- Click on “Browse File” tab to find you created spreadsheet
- Select your file and then click on “Upload & Continue”
- Make sure the following fields are marked correctly:
o Update Options: Replace existing record and remove data not specified in the import
o Import Mode: Test
o Output Format: HTML
- Click on “Test”
- This will show you if you have any errors.
o If you have errors correct them on your spreadsheet and then start back at “Score Import Wizard” until you complete without any errors.
- Once you have no errors change these fields to:
o Update Options: Replace existing record and remove data not specified in the import
o Import Mode: Import
- Click on “Import”
o Once you import it is imported and only K12 can make changes. The “Test” option should be used on all imports before final import.
- Check a few of your students to make sure everything looks fine.
- To create a new test
- Under “Assessments” click on “Test Setup”
- Click “New”
- Name the test
- Only CRCT/Milestones would possibly have “Parent Test”
- Enter Code
- Subject in the drop down
- Assessment Type (general)
- NO DATES (if you enter dates it limits what you can you this test setup for)
- State Test and choose code in the drop down
- Choose the following score fields:
o Date
o Scale Score
o Result
§ You can other options if you need the info for a particular test
- In the “Result Status” you will enter numerical value for:
o Value: 1 2 or 3 etc..
o Result Code: E M DNM
o Label: Exceeds Meets Does Not Meet
o Make sure to click the box to the right for passing level
- Click “Save”
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