

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Posting Elem CAMP Grades

You will do this in the Task Scheduler.

I have the task in your Task Scheduler named “ES Term Grades Posting”. There will be a few things that will need to be set each time you run it.


This part will need to have the correct (6,8,11,13) for midterm grades and then (5,7,10,12) for quarter grades and = 14 for the yearly average. Then below will need to be set for the correct term you are posting for.

and gt.taskid in (6,8,11,13-- M1,M2,M3,M4 --(5,7,10,12)-Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 -- = 14 --Yearly Average



For the term seq just set it to the term you are running for:


and t.seq = 3


Make sure the window is open and set it to run in the future. 

Here are the settings for Q2, M2